Étienne Laliberté wins the 2016 Tansley medal

The winner of the 2016 Tansley Medal for excellence in plant science is Étienne Laliberté. Etienne’s Tansley insight is titled “Below-ground frontiers in trait-based plant ecology”. The judging panel was comprised of New Phytologist Editors Amy Austin, Liam Dolan, Alistair Hetherington, Elena Kramer, and Natalia Requena. Read all about it here.

The New Phytologist Tansley Medal is awarded annually in recognition of an outstanding contribution to research in plant science by an individual in the early stages of their career (including students and any researcher with up to five years’ experience since gaining/defending their PhD). The winner receives a prize of £2000 (GBP) and authors a short review, published in New Phytologist, accompanied by an Editorial.