Chercheur émérite Institut de recherche en biologie végétale
Chercheur associé University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI)
514-343-6111 #82097
Mots-clés: Morphologie végétale. Développement et biologie (thermogénèse, pollinisation) de la fleur des Aracées. Systématique et écologie des Aracées. Biologie théorique (phyllotaxie).
Barabé D. et M. Gibernau. 2015. Aracées de Guyane française: Biologie et systématique. Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris; IRD, Marseille, 349 p. (Faune et Flore tropicales; 46).
Jean, R.V. et D. Barabé (Editors). 1998. Symmetry in Plants. World Scientific, Singapore, London. 835 p.
Barabé, D. et R. Brunet (Sous la direction de). 1993. Morphogenèse et dynamique. Éditions Orbis (Frelishburg, Canada). 152p.
Autres publications scientifiques (depuis 1995)
Barabé, D.and C. Lacroix. 2014. Floral development of Dieffenbachia and the occurrence of atypical flowers in Araceae. Bot. Stud. 55 (30): 1-10.
Barabé, D. 2013. Aroid floral morphogenesis in relation to phylogeny. In Early events in monocot evolution. P. Wilkin and S.J. Mayo (eds.). Cambridge University press, chapter 11, pp. 279-296.
Barabé D., C. Lacroix et M. Gibernau. 2012. Developmental floral morphology of Syngonium in the context of the tribe Caladieae (Araceae). Willdenowia 42: 297 – 305.
Barabé, D., A. Cuerrier et A. Quilichini. 2012. Les jardins botaniques : entre science et commercialisation. Natures Sciences Sociétés 20: 334-342.
Poisson, G. and D. Barabé. 2012. Developmental morphology of the flower of Dracontium polyphyllum in the context of the phylogeny of the Araceae. Kew Bulletin 66: 1-7.
Barabé, D., C. Lacroix and M. Gibernau. 2011. Floral development of Urospatha: merosity and phylogeny in the Lasioideae (Araceae). Plant Syst. Evol. 296: 41-50.
Yin, X, C. Lacroix and D. Barabé, 2011. Phyllotactic transitions in seedlings : the case of Thuja occidentalis. Botany 89: 387-396.
Gibernau, M., M. Chartier and D. Barabé. 2010. Recent advances towards an evolutionary comprehension of Araceae pollination. Diversity, phylogeny, and evolution in the monocotyledons. In Seberg, Petersen, Barfod and Davis. Aarhus University Press, Denmark, pp. 101-114.
Barabé, D. and M. Gibernau. 2010. Thermogenic patterns in Philodendron ornatum and P. grandifolium: a comparative analysis. Aroideana 33: 183-191.
Barabé, D., L. Bourque, X. Yin and C. Lacroix. 2010. Phyllotaxis of the palm Euterpe edulis Mart. at the level of the stem apical meristem. Botany 88: 528-536.
Barriault, I., D. Barabé, L. Cloutier and M. Gibernau. 2010. Pollination ecology and reproductive success in Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum) in Québec (Canada). Plant Biology 12: 161-171.
Gibernau, M., M. Chouteau, K. Lavallée and D. Barabé. 2010. Notes on the phenology, morphometry and floral biology of Anaphyllopsis americana (Araceae). Aroideana 183: 183-191.
Quilichini, A., D. Macquart, D. Barabé, J. Albre and M. Gibernau. 2010. Reproduction of the West Mediterranean endemic Arum pictum (Araceae) on Corsica. Plant Syst. Evol. 287: 179-187.
Barabé, D., B. Jeune and C. Lacroix. 2009. Comparison between theoretical and empirical parameters in phyllotaxis: the case of Begonia. Riv. Bio.-Biol. Forum 102: 157-168.
Barriault, I., M. Gibernau and D. Barabé. 2009. Flowering period, thermogenesis, and pattern of visiting insects in Arisaema triphyllum (Araceae) in Quebec. Botany 87: 324-329.
Chouteau, M., D. Barabé and M. Gibernau. 2009. Flowering and thermogenetic cycles in two species of Monstera (Araceae). Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse. 145: 5-10.
Barabé, D. and C. Lacroix. 2008. Hierarchical developmental morphology: the case of the inflorescence of Philodendron ornatum (Araceae). Int. J. Plant Sci. 169 (8): 1013-1022.
Barabé, D. and C. Lacroix. 2008. Developmental morphology of the flower of Anaphyllopsis americana and its relevance to our understanding of basal Araceae. Botany 86: 1467-1473.
Barabé, D., C. Lacroix and B. Jeune. 2008. Quantitative developmental analysis of homeotic changes in the inflorescence of Philodendron (Araceae). Ann. Bot. 101: 1027-1034.
Barabé, D., K. Lavallée and M. Gibernau. 2008. Pollen viability and germination in some neotropical aroids. Botany 86: 98-102.
Gibernau, M., J. Orivel, A. Dejean, J. Delabie and D. Barabé. 2008. Flowering as a key factor in ant-Philodendron interactions. J. Trop. Ecol. 24: 689-692.
Barabé, D. & C. Lacroix. 2008. Developmental morphology of the flower of Anthurium jenmanii: a new element in our understanding of basal Araceae. Botany, 86: 45-52.
Gauthier, M.-P., D. Barabé & A. Bruneau. 2008. Molecular phylogeny of the genus Philodendron (Araceae): delimitation and infrageneric classification. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 156: 13-27.
Chouteau, M., Barabé, D. & M. Gibernau. 2008. Relationships between floral traits, mode of growth and habit in the Araceae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 156: 29-42.
Lauzer, D., S. Renaud, M. St-Arnaud & D. Barabé. 2007. In vitro asymbiotic germination, protocorm development and plantlet acclimatization of Aplectrum hyemale (Muhl. Ex Willd.) Torr. (Orchidaceae). Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. 134: 344-348.
Barabé, D., C. Lacroix & B. Jeune. 2007. Following the initiation and development of individual leaf primordia at the level of shoot apical meristem (SAM): the case of distichous phyllotaxis in Begonia. Ann. Bot. 99: 555-560.
Chouteau, M., Barabé, D. & M. Gibernau. 2007. Thermogenesis in Syngonium (Araceae). Can. J. Bot. 85: 184-190.
Gibernau, M., J. Orivel, J.H.C. Delabie, D. Barabé & A. Dejean. 2007. Asymmetrical relationship between an arboreal ant (Ponerinae) and a trash-basket epiphyte (Araceae). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 91: 341-346.
Jeune, B., D. Barabé & C. Lacroix. 2006. Classical and dynamic morphology: toward a synthesis through the space of forms. Acta Biotheoretica. 54: 277-293.
Barabé, D. 2006. Stochastic approaches in phyllotaxis. Can .J. Bot. 84: 1675-1685.
Chouteau, M., Barabé, D. & M. Gibernau. 2006. A comparative study of inflorescence characters and P/O ratios among the genera Philodendron and Anthurium (Araceae). Int. J. Pl. Sciences 167: 817-829.
Barabé, D. & Jeune. 2006. Complexity and information in regular and random phyllotactic patterns. Riv. Biol. – Biol. Forum. 99: 85-102.
Jeune, B. & D.Barabé. 2006. Simulations of transitions from regular to stochastic phyllotactic patterns. J. Biol. Syst. 14: 113-129.
Jeune, B. & D. Barabé. 2006. A stochastic approach to phyllotactic patterns analysis. J. Theor. Biol. 238: 52-59.
Chouteau, M., D. Barabé & M. Gibernau. 2006. Floral biology and pollen-ovule ratios in some Neotropica Araceae, and their putative significance. Plant Syst. Evol. 257: 147-157.
Lacroix, C., B. Jeune & D. Barabé. 2005. Encasement in plant morphology: an integrative approach from genes to organisms. Can. J. Bot. 83: 1207-1221.
Gibernau, M., Barabé, D., Moisson, M. & A. Trombe. 2005. Physical constraints on temperature difference in some thermogenic aroid inflorescences. Ann. Bot. 96: 117-125.
Jeune, B. & D. Barabé. 2004. Statistical recognition of random and regular phyllotactic patterns. Ann. Bot. 94:913-917.
Barabé, D., C. Lacroix & B. Jeune. 2004. The game of numbers in homeotic flowers of Philodendron (Araceae). Can. J. Bot. 82: 1459-1467.
Barabé, D., C. Lacroix, M. Chouteau & M. Gibernau. 2004. On the presence of extracellular calcium oxalate crystals on the inflorescence of Araceae. Bot. J. Linn. 146: 181-190.
Lacroix, C., D. Barabé & B. Jeune. 2004. Early stages of initiation of two types of leaves in Thuja occidentalis (eastern white cedar). Can. J. Bot. 82: 598-6006.
Barabé, D. & B. Jeune. 2004. The use of entropy to analyse phyllotactic mutants: a theoretical analysis. Plant Cell. 16:804-806.
Tam, S.M., P.C. Boyce, T.M. Upson, D. Barabé, A. Bruneau, F. Forest, & J.S. Parker. 2004. Intergeneric and infrafamilial phylogeny of subfamily Monsteroideae (Araceae) revealed by chloroplast TrnL-F sequences. Amer. J. Bot. 9: 490-498.
Barabé, C., C. Lacroix & M. Gibernau. 2004. Aspects of floral morphology in Ambrosina and Arisarum (Araceae). Can. J. Bot. 82: 282-289.
Barabé, D., C. Lacroix, A. Bruneau, A. Archambault & M. Gibernau. 2004. Floral development and phylogenetic position of Schismatoglottis (Araceae). Int. J. Pl. Sciences. 165: 173-189.
Barabé, D., C. Lacroix, & M. Gibernau. 2003. Development of the flower and inflorescence of Arum italicum (Araceae). Can J. Bot. 81: 622-632.
Gibernau, M., D. Barabé. D. Labat, P. Cerden et A. Dejean. 2003. Beetle pollination of Monrichardia arborescens. J. Trop. Écol. 19: 103-107.
Barabé, D., C. Lacroix, B. Jeune. 2002. Developmental morphology of normal and atypical flowers of Phildendron insigne (Araceae): a new case of homeosis. Can. J. Bot. 80: 1160-1172.
Barabé, D., C. Lacroix, & B. Jeune. 2002. Study of homeosis in the flower of Philodendron (Araceae): a qualitative and quantitative approach. Ann. Bot. 90: 579-592.
Barabé, D. & C. Lacroix. 2002. Aspects of floral development in Caladium bicolor (Araceae). Can J. Bot. 80: 899-905.
Gibernau, M., J. Albrie, A. Dejean & D. Barabé. 2002. Seed predation in Philodendron solimoesense (Araceae) by chalcid wasps (Hymenoptera). Int. J. Plant Sciences. 163: 1017-1023.
Barabé, D., M. Gibernau & F. Forest. 2002. Zonal thermogenetic dynamics of two species of Philodendron from two different subgenera (Araceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 139: 79-86.
Barabé, D., Bruneau, A., Forest, F. & Lacroix, C. 2002. The correlation between development of atypical bisexual flowers and phylogeny in the Aroideae (Araceae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 232: 1-19.
Gibernau, M. & D. Barabé. 2002. Flowering and Pollination of Philodendron squamiferum (Araceae). Can. J. Bot. 80: 316-320.
Jeune, B. & D. Barabé. 2002. The use of the Aboav-Weaire law to estimate a biological constraint. J. Biol. Systems. 10: 33-45.
Jean, R. V. & D. Barabé 2001. Application of two mathematical models to a family of plants with enigmatic phyllotactic processes. Ann. Bot. 88: 173-186.
Barabé, D. & Lacroix, C. 2001. The developmental morphology of the flower of Montrichardia arborescens (Araceae) revisited. Bot. J. Linn. 135: 413-420.
Barabé, D. & C. Lacroix. 2001. Aspects of floral development in Philodendron grandifolium and P. megalophyllum (Araceae). Int. J. Plant Sc. 162: 47-57.
Barabé, D. & Gibernau, M. 2000. Étude comparative de la production de chaleur chez quelques Aracées. Adansonia, 22 ; 253-263.
Barabé, D. & C. Lacroix. 2000. Homeosis in the flower of the Araceae: the case of Philodendron melinonii (Araceae). Annals of Botany 86: 479-491.
Gibernau, M. & D. Barabé. 2000. Flowering and pollination of Philodendron melinonii (Araceae) in French Guiana. Plant Biology 2: 331-334.
Gibernau, M. & D. Barabé. 2000. Thermogenesis in three Philodendron species (Araceae) of French Guiana. Can. J. Bot. 78: 685-689.
Vujanovic, V., M. St-Arnaud, D. Barabé, G. Thibault. 2000. On the role of Fusarium in the coloration and germination of orchid seed. Ann. Bot. 86: 79-86.
Vujanovic, V., M. St-Arnaud, D. Barabé, G. Thibault 2000. Phialocephala victorinii sp. nov. endophyte of Cypripedium parviflorum (Orchidaceae). Mycologia 92: 571-576.
Barabé, D., C. Lacroix & B. Jeune 2000. Development of the inflorescence and flower of Philodendron fragrantissimum (Araceae): a qualitative and a quantitative study. Can. J. Bot. 78: 1-20.
Gibernau, M., D. Barabé, P. Cerdan & A. Dejean. 1999. Beetle pollination of Philodendron solimoesense (Araceae) in French Guiana. Int. J. Plant Sc. 160: 1135-1143.
Barabé, D. & C. Lacroix. 1999. Homeosis, morphogenetic gradient and the determination of floral identity in the inflorescence of Philodendron solimoesense (Araceae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 219: 243-261.
Jeune, B. & D. Barabé. 1998. Interactions between physical and biological constraints in the structure of the inflorescence of the Araceae. Ann. Bot. 82: 577-586.
Cuerrier, A., L. Brouillet & D. Barabé. 1998. Numerical and comparative analysis of the modern systems of classification of the flowering plants. Bot. Rev. 64: 324-355.
Jean, R. & D. Barabé. 1998. Phyllotaxis – The way ahead, a view on open questions and directions of research. J. Biol. Systems. 6: 95-126.
Poisson, G. et D. Barabé. 1998. Architecture de l’appareil végétatif et organisation florale du Dracontium polyphylum L. (Araceae). Adansonia, 20: 1-16.
Adler, I., D. Barabé et R.V. Jean. 1997. A history of the study of phyllotaxis. Ann. Bot. 80: 231-244.
Thibeault, G., D. Barabé et L. Brouillet.1997. Apparition de l’asymétrie foliaire chez les plantules du Begonia subvillosa et du B. fagifolia (Begoniaceae) Can. J. Bot. 75: 1079-1097.
Boubes, C. et D. Barabé. 1997. Flower and inflorescence development in Montrichardia arborescens (L .) Schott (Araceae). Int. J. Plant Sc.158: 408-417.
Leroux, G., D. Barabé et J. Vieth. 1997. Morphogenesis of the protocorm of Cypripedium acaule Aiton (Orchidaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 205: 53-72.
Barabé, D., B. Jeune et C. Boubes. 1996. La géométrie de l’inflorescence du Symplocarpus (Araceae): problème physique ou biologique? C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sciences de la Vie, 319: 699-704.
Barabé, D. et C. Bertrand. 1996. Organogénie florale des genres Culcasia et Cercestis (Araceae). Can J. Bot. 74: 898-908.
Boubes, C. et D. Barabé. 1996. Développement de l’inflorescence et des fleurs du Philodendron acutatum (Araceae). Can. J. Bot. 74: 909-918.
Barabé, D. et R. V. Jean. 1996. The constraints of global form on phyllotactic organization: the case of Symplocarpus (Araceae). J. Theor. Biol. 178: 393-397.
Barabé, D. 1995. Open and closed systems in phyllotaxis. J. Biol. Systems. 3: 917-927.
Jeune, B. et D. Barabé. 1995. Allometry and geometry of the leaf of Begonia. Acta Biotheoretica. 43: 205-215.
Barabé, D. et R. V. Jean. 1995. On the allometric growth of tissues in fruits. Bull. Math. Biol. 57: 487-498.
Leroux, G., D. Barabé et J. Vieth. 1995. Morphogenèse comparée de protocormes du Cypripedium acaule (Orchidaceae) cultivés in vitro avec ou sans sucre. Can. J. Bot. 73: 1391-1406.
Barabé, D., S. Daigle, M. Labrecque et M. St-Arnaud. 1995. Allometry and heterochrony in the histogenesis of Prunus fruits (Rosaceae). Can. J. Bot. 73: 299-306.