Phytotechnologies, invasive species, wetlands
Our focus is on the identification and quantification of mechanisms of plant intra- and inter-specific competition for space. On the fundamental level, our objective is to integrate plant growth plasticity in competition processes and to evaluate the consequences on plant population and community dynamics. The expertise of the lab on plant competition for space is applied to solve environmental problems such as invasive plant species in natural areas, vegetation management in rights-of-ways, and the use of fast growing macrophytes in constructed wetlands.
Keywords: Plant population ecology • Competition for space • Integrated plant management • Invasive species • Aquatic macrophytes for wastewater treatment
Jacques Brisson is the chairholder of the Phytotechnology NSERC / Hydro-Québec Industrial Reasearch Chair. Visit the website of the chair for more information.
Research professional
Patrick Boivin
Research technician
Benoît St-George
Ph.D. students
Adrien Frémont, co-supervision with Frédéric Pitre
Charbel Hanna, co-supervision for Stéphanie Pellerin, with Pierre-Luc Chagnon
Vlad Parasquive, co-supervision for Pierre-Luc Chagnon, with Étienne Laliberté
Rolando Trejo-Pérez, co-supervision with Pierre-Luc Chagnon
M.Sc. students
Laurianne Bédard, co-supervision for Joan Laur
Roman Laloge
Coralie Paré-Bédard, co-supervision for Pierre-Luc Chagnon
BIO-1283: Évolution
BIO-2703: Stage d’écologie forestière
BIO-3753: Stage d’écologie végétale
BIO-3754: Écologie végétale
BIO-6970: Écologie des milieux humides
Publications with review committee are available at Google Scholar.