The research work of Michel Labrecque on the decontamination of polluted soils was the object of many recent articles and news pieces:
Michel Labrecque and Cédric Frenette Dussault at Radio-Canada: Décontaminer les sols un saule à la fois.
Michel Labrecque and Cédric Frenette Dussault on CTV News: Where there’s a willow, there’s a way: City using saplings to decontaminate land.
Michel Labrecque and Xavier Lachapelle-Trouillard in the Métro: Des saules pour décontaminer des sites industriels.
Michel Labrecque in University Affairs: Researchers are using plants to tackle urban pollution; The City of Montreal has partnered with university researchers in a major project to decontaminate an old industrial site through vegetation.
Michel Labrecque and Xavier Lachapelle-Trouillard on CBC News: Montreal researchers use willows to decontaminate polluted soil, groundwater.
Jardins de dépollution: an interview with Michel Labrecque at Radio-Canada.