Cercle des Mycologues de Montréal Fungarium (CMMF)

The Cercle des mycologues de Montréal is one of the largest and most active mycological societies in North America. Over the years, its members have created a fungarium (mycological herbarium) comprising close to 2,000 species of mushrooms collected, for the most part, in the greater Montreal region and elsewhere in Quebec. The Fungarium’s expansion is also fuelled by donations of collections made by mycologists from various Quebec regions.

Colour photographs are taken of all mushroom specimens prior to drying and incorporation into the Fungarium. This collection represents a unique tool for public awareness and the production of reference works for the general public. In addition, it provides a solid basis for biogeography and biodiversity studies.

The Biodiversity Centre also plays an important role in the short- and medium-term conservation of strains of microscopic fungi isolated and identified as part of its research programs on fungal biodiversity. Long-term conservation is achieved through collaboration with major Canadian and international collections such as the National Mycological Herbarium (DAOM) and Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (CCFC), the Glomeromycota in vitro Collection (GINCO) and the Mycothèque de l’Université de Louvain (MUCL).

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Raymond Archambault