The Fungarium of the Université de Montréal, previously named the Fungarium of the Cercle des Mycologues de Montréal (CMM), is a collection established in 1988. Over a period of twenty years, until 2008, Yves Lamoureux, an independent mycologist and scientific advisor to the Cercle des Mycologues de Montréal (CMM), developed the fungarium with the help of amateur mycologists, both CMM members and non-members. When it was integrated into the Biodiversity Centre in 2011, the CMM Fungarium (CMMF) held approximately 5 000 dried specimens of macrofungi, photographed in their fresh state and representing 2 000 species.
Subsequently, the Fungarium expanded through contributions from private (amateur mycologists) and institutional (research centers and universities) collections to reach 30 000 specimens. These are mainly macrofungi but also include several thousand specimens of phytopathogenic fungi, lichens, and myxomycetes (Amoebozoa) from Quebec and neighboring provinces and states. More than half of the data on macrofungi and myxomycetes include photographs of the specimens in their fresh state, as well as hundreds of microphotographs.
Later, the Fungarium was enriched with around 2 400 lichen specimens from southern Quebec, mainly from the private collections of Arold Lavoie and Janie Collin (