RESEARCH - communications


  • Abram, P.K., E. Guerra-Grenier, J. Brodeur, C. Capko, E. Beers, C. Blassioli, M. Borges, M.F. Cingolani, A. Cusumano, P. De Clercq, C.A. Fernandez, T.D. Gariepy, T. Haye, K. Hoelmer, R. Laumann, M. Lietti, J.E. McPherson, E. Punscke, T. Saunders, J.P. Zhang et I.C.W. Hardy. 2023. Geometry for the selfish clutch? Protective geometry and reproductive anatomy as candidate determinants of clutch size variation in pentatomid bugs. The American Naturalist, 202 : E104-E120.
  • Alotaibi, F., Z. Lahrach, S.-J. Lee, M. St-Arnaud et M. Hijri. 2023. Draft genome of Nocardia canadensis sp. nov. isolated from petroleum-hydrocarbon-contaminated soil. Microorganisms, 11 : 2972.
  • Benoist P., A. Parrott A., X. Lachapelle-T, L.-C. Barbeau, Y. Comeau, F.E. Pitre et M. Labrecque. 2023. Treatment of landfill leachate by short-rotation willow coppice plantations in a large-scale experiment in eastern Canada. Plants, 12 (2) : 372.
  • Beral, H., D. Dagenais, J. Brisson et M. Kõiv-Vainik. 2023. Impact of spring deicing salt runoff on bioretention efficiency. Blue-green Systems, 5 (2) : 170-185.
  • Beral, H., D. Dagenais, J. Brisson et M. Kõiv-Vainik. 2023. Plant species contribution to bioretention performance under a temperate climate. Science of the Total Environment, 858 (2023) : 160122.
  • Bissonnette, J.-F., G. Laroche, A. Olivier, N. Gélinas, M. Saydeh et A. Cogliastro. 2023. Quelles trajectoires agroforestières? Perspectives dégagées lors du cinquième Congrès mondial d’agroforesterie : «En transition vers un monde viable». Bois et forêts des tropiques, 356 : 5-12.
  • Blakney, A.J.C, L.D. Bainard, M. St-Arnaud et M. Hijri. 2023. Soil chemistry and soil history significantly structure oomycete communities in Brassicaceae crop rotations. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 89 : e01314-01322.
  • Boulanger, Y., J.P. Puigdevall, A.C. Bélisle, Y. Bergeron, M.-H. Brice, D. Cyr, L. De Grandpre, D. Fortin, S. Gauthier, P. Grondin, G. Labadie, M. Leblond, M. Marchand, T.B. Splawinski, M.-H. St-Laurent, E. Thiffault, J. Tremblay et S.H. Yamasaki. 2023. A regional integrated assessment of the impacts of climate change and of the potential adaptation avenues for Quebec’s forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 53 (8) : 556-578.
  • Bowazolo, C., B. Song, S. Dorion, M. Beauchemin, S. Chevrier, J. Rivoal et D. Morse. 2023. Orchestrated translation specializes dinoflagellate metabolism three times per day. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119 (30) : e2122335119.
  • Bowazolo, C. et D. Morse. 2023. Insights into daily metabolic changes of the dinoflagellate Lingulodinium from ribosome profiling. Cell Cycle, 22 (11) : 1343-1352.
  • Bowazolo, C. et D. Morse. 2023. Ribosome profiling in the Symbiodiniacean dinoflagellate Fugacium kawagutii shows coordinated protein synthesis of enzymes in different pathways at different times of day. Molecular Microbiology, 120 (3) : 462-471.
  • Demarquest, G. et G. Lajoie. 2023. Bacterial endophytes of sugar maple leaves vary more idiosyncratically than epiphytes across a large geographic area. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 99 : fiad079.
  • Faure, J., V. Volz et S. Joly. 2023. Variation in flower size and shape of Impatiens capensis is correlated with urbanization in Montreal, Canada. Ecology and Evolution, 13 (12) : e10826.
  • Gagnon, M.-È., M. Giroux, J. Doyon, S. Legault et J. Brodeur. 2023. The establishment of the interaction between the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) and the parasitoid Istocheta aldrichi (Diptera: Tachinidae) in Québec, Canada. The Canadian Entomologist, 155 : e32, 1-11.
  • Gaudreau, M., E., M. T. Souza, F. Leblanc, J. Brodeur et P.K. Abram. 2023. Attenuation of ultraviolet (UV) radiation does not impede host location in egg parasitoids with positive UV phototaxis. Ecological Entomology, 48 : 445-457.
  • Gervais-Bergeron, B., A.L. Paul, P.L. Chagnon, A.J. Baker, A. van der Ent, M.P. Faucon, C. Quintela-Sabarís et M. Labrecque. 2023. Trace element hyperaccumulator plant traits: a call for trait data collection. Plant and Soil : 187-196.
  • Goyette, J.O., S. Savary, M. Blanchette, A.N. Rousseau, S. Pellerin et M. Poulin. 2023. Setting targets for wetland restoration to mitigate climate change effects on watershed hydrology. Environmental Management, 71 : 365-378.
  • Grebenshchykova, Z., N. Forquet, J. Brisson, X. Lachapelle, Y. Comeau, et F. Chazarenc. 2023. Thermal properties of treatment wetlands operated under freezing conditions. Water Science and Technology, 88 (8) : 2054-2067.
  • Grenier V., E. Gonzalez, N.J.B. Brereton et F.E. Pitre. 2023. Dynamics of bacterial and archaeal communities during horse bedding and green waste composting. PeerJ, 11 : e15239.
  • Grenier V., J. Laur, E. Gonzalez et F.E. Pitre. 2023. Glyphosate has a negligible impact on bacterial diversity and dynamics during composting. Environmental Microbiology, 25 (12) : 2897-2912.
  • Harvey, J.A., K. Tougeron, R. Gols, R. Heinen, M. Abarca, P.K. Abram, Y. Basset, M. Berg, C. Boggs, J. Brodeur, P. Cardoso, J. de Boer, G.R. de Snoo, C. Deacon, J. Dell, N. Desneux, M.E. Dillon, G.A.Duffy, L.E. Dyer, J. Ellers, A.Espíndola, J. Fordyce, M.L. Forister, C. Fukushima, M.J.G. Gage, C. Garcia-Robledo, C. Gely, M. Gobbi, C. Hallmann, T. Hance, J. Harte, A. Hochkirch, C. Hof, A.A. Hoffmann, J.G. Kingsolver, G.P.A. Lamarre, W.F. Laurance, B. Lavandero, S.R. Leather, P. Lehmann, C. Le Lann, M.M. Lopez-Uribe, C.H. Ma, G. Ma, J. Moiroux, L. Monticelli, C. Nice, P.J. Ode, S. Pincebourde, W.J. Ripple, M. Rowe, M.J. Samways, A. Sentis, A.A. Shah, N. Stork, J.S. Terblanche, M.P. Thakur, M.B. Thomas, J.M. Tylianakis, J. Van Baaren, M. Van de Pol, W.H. Van der Putten, H. Van Dyck, W.C.E.P. Verberk, D.L. Wagner, W.W. Weisser, W.C. Wetzel, H.A. Woods, K.A.G. Wyckhuys et S.L. Chown. 2023. Scientists’ warning on climate change and insects. Ecological Monographs, 93 : e15553.
  • He, J.Z., S. Dorion, L.M. Carmona-Rojas et J. Rivoal. 2023. Carbon fluxes in potato (Solanum tuberosum) remain stable in cell cultures exposed to nutritional phosphate deficiency, Biology, 12 (9) : 1190.
  • Hébert, C., M. Sano et C. Favret. 2023. A new species of Cinara (Hemiptera: Aphididae) from Japan, and concomitant specimen data publication. The Canadian Entomologist, 155 : E27.
  • Jantzen, J.R., E. Laliberté, A. Carteron, R. Beauchamp-Rioux, F. Blanchard, A.L. Crofts, A. Girard, P.W. Hacker, J. Pardo, A.K. Schweiger, S. Demers-Thibeault, N.C. Coops, M. Kalacska, M. Vellend et A. Bruneau. 2023. Evolutionary history explains foliar spectral differences between arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal plant species. New Phytologist, 238 : 2651-2667.
  • Jerbi ,A., M. Kalwahali-Muissa, R. Krygier, C. Johnston, M. Blank, M. Sarrazin, S. Banabe, J. Laur, M. Labrecque et F.E. Pitre. 2023. Comparative wood anatomy, composition and saccharification yields of wastewater irrigated willow cultivars at three plantations in Canada and Northern Ireland. Biomass and Bioenergy, 170, 106683.
  • Jerbi A., J. Laur, K. Lajoie, P.P. Gallant, S. Barnabé, F.E. Pitre et M. Labrecque. 2023. Irrigation with primary wastewater alters wood anatomy and composition in willow Salix miyabeana SX67. Frontiers in Plant Sciences, 14 : 1087035.
  • Joly, S., F. Lambert, W. Cinea et J. Clark. 2023. Three new Gesneria species (Gesneriaceae) support Parc National Pic Macaya (Haiti) as an important biodiversity hotspot. Systematic Botany, 48 (1) : 34-43.
  • Jonsson, K., Y. Ma, A.-L. Routier-Kierzkowska et R.P. Bhalerao. 2023. Multiple mechanisms behind plant bending. Nature Plants, 9 (1) : 13-21.
  • Kaur D., S. Dorion, S. Jmii, L. Cappadocia, J.C. Bede et J. Rivoal. 2023. Pseudophosphorylation of Arabidopsis jasmonate biosynthesis enzyme lipoxygenase 2 via mutation of Ser600 inhibits enzyme activity. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 299 (3) : 102898
  • Kothari, S., R. Beauchamp-Rioux, F. Blanchard, A.L. Crofts, A. Girard, C. Guilbeault-Mayers, P.W. Hacker, J. Pardo, A.K. Schweiger, S. Demers-Thibeault, A. Bruneau, N.C. Coops, M. Kalacska, M. Vellend et E Laliberté. 2023. Predicting leaf traits across functional groups using reflectance spectroscopy. New Phytologist, 238 : 549–566.
  • Kothari, S., R. Beauchamp-Rioux, E. Laliberté, et J. Cavender- Bares. 2023. Reflectance spectroscopy allows rapid,accurate and non-destructive estimates of functional traits from pressed leaves. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14 : 385–401.
  • Labrecque, M., S. Daigle et S. Olishevska. 2023. Comparing biomass yields of various willow cultivars in short-rotation coppice over six growing seasons across a broad climatic gradient in Eastern Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 53 (7) : 533-543.
  • Lajoie, G. et S.W. Kembel. 2023. Data-driven identification of major axes of functional variation in bacteria. Environmental Microbiology, 25 : 2580-2591.
  • Le François, N.R., A. Tremblay-Gratton, C. Drouin-Johnson, J. Préjent, M.-P. Presne-Poissant, J.-C. Boussin, F. Piché- Lebel et I. Gendron-Lemieux. 2023. Nature-based coastal restoration: development of an early-rearing production protocol of sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima Linnaeus) for bottom planting activities in the Gulf of St-Lawrence (Québec, Canada). Frontiers in Marine Sciences, 10 : 1135417.
  • Lemenager, M., J. Burkiewicz, D. Schoen et S. Joly. 2023. Studying flowers in 3D using photogrammetry. New Phytologist, 237(5) : 1922-1933.
  • Loiselle, A., R. Proulx, M. Larocque et S. Pellerin. 2023. Synergies and trade-offs among ecosystems functions and services for three types of lake-edge wetlands. Ecological Indicators, 154 : 110547.
  • Magnan, G., M. Garneau, J. Beaulne, M. Lavoie, S. Pellerin, L. Perrier, P.J.H. Richard et N. Sanderson. 2023. A simple field method for estimating the mass of organic carbon stored in undisturbed wetland soils. Mires and Peat, 29 : 1-13.
  • Mason, P., B.I.P. Barratt, F. Mc Kay, J. Klapwijk, L.C. Silvestri, M. Hill, H.L. Hintz, A. Sheppard, J. Brodeur, M. D. Vitorino, P. Weyl et K.A. Hoelmer. 2023. Impact of access and benefitsharing implementation on biological control genetic resources. Biocontrol, 68 : 235-251.
  • Mason, P., F. Mc Kay, L.C. Silvestri, M. Hill, P. Weyl, H.L. Hinz, J. Brodeur, M.D. Vitorino et B.I.P. Barratt. 2023. International agreement for the use and exchange of biological control genetic resources: a practical proposal. Biocontrol, 68 : 329-339.
  • Mason, P., M. Hill, D. Smith, L.C. Silvestri, P. Weyl, J. Brodeur et M.D. Vitorino. 2023. Best practices in the use and exchange of microorganism biological control genetic resources. Biocontrol, 68 : 311-327.
  • Miraglio, T., N.C. Coops, C.I.B. Wallis, A.L. Crofts, M. Kalacska, M. Vellend, S.P. Serbin, J.P. Arroyo-Mora et E. Laliberté. 2023. Mapping canopy traits over Québec using airborne and spaceborne imaging spectroscopy. Scientific Reports, 13 : 17179.
  • Mora‐Carrera, E., R.L. Stubbs, B. Keller, É. Léveillé‐Bourret, J.M. Vos, P. Szövényi et E. Conti. 2023. Different molecular changes underlie the same phenotypic transition: origins and consequences of independent shifts to homostyly within species. Molecular Ecology, 32 : 61–78.
  • Pande, P.M., H. Azarbad, J. Tremblay, M. St-Arnaud et E. Yergeau. 2023. Metatranscriptomic response of the wheat holobiont to decreasing soil water content. ISME Communications, 3 : 30.
  • Paquette, A., S. Pellerin et M. Poulin. 2023. Using plant community uniqueness and floristic quality assessment in management decision-making in an urban park setting. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 84 : 127925.
  • Parasquive, V., J. Brisson, X. Guilbeault-Mayers, E. Laliberté et P.L. Chagnon. 2023. Contrasted root trait responses between saplings of an arbuscular and an ectomycorrhizal tree species in open field compared to forest conditions. Journal of Ecology, 111: 1700–1710.
  • Pedneault, K., J. Pico Carbajo, P. Nicolle, M. Pathak, N. Wilson, F. Campos-Arguedas, G. Sarailhe, M. Dorais, J.B.B. Brereton, S. Castellarin et F.E. Pitre. 2023. Different patterns of temperature impact phenolic derivatives in ripening Vitis sp. Berries. Acta Horticulturae, 1370 : 61-66.
  • Pellerin, S., C. Gratton, M. Lavoie et M. Poulin. 2023. Différenciation biotique et perte de plantes de milieux humides dans les tourbières ombrotrophes boisées. Le Naturaliste Canadien, 147 (2) : 57-68.
  • Pelletier, M., S. Legault, J. Doyon et J. Brodeur. 2023. Where and why do females of the parasitic fly Istocheta aldrichi lay their eggs on the body of adult japanese beetles? Journal of Insect Behavior, 36 (4) : 308-317.
  • Quiza, L., J. Tremblay, A.P. Pagé, C. Greer, C.J. Pozniak, R. Li, B. Haug, S.M. Hemmingsen, M. St-Arnaud et E. Yergeau. 2023. The effect of wheat genotype on the microbiome is more evident in roots and varies through time. ISME Communications, 3 : 32.
  • Rapinski, M., A. Cuerrier et D. Davy. 2023. Adaptations in the transformation of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz; Euphorbiaceae) for consumption in the dietary management of diabetes: the case of Palikur, or Parikwene People, from French Guiana. Frontiers in Nutrition, 10, 1061611.
  • Ricupero, M., F. Zepeda-Paulo, N. Cabrera, A. Biondi, C. Dai, L. Zappalà, G.E. Heimpel, J. Brodeur, N. Desneux et B. Lavandero. 2023. The geographic scope of host use by the ladybeetle parasitoid Dinocampus coccinellae. Biological Invasions, 25 : 3009-3024.
  • Ringelberg J.J., E.J.M. Koenen, B. Sauter, A. Aebli, J.G. Rando, J.R. Iganci, L.P. Queiroz, D.J. Murphy, M. Gaudeul, A. Bruneau, M. Luckow, G.P. Lewis, J.T. Miller, M.F. Simon, L.S.B. Jordão, M. Morales, C.D. Bailey, M. Nageswara-Rao, J.A. Nicholls, O. Loiseau, R.T. Pennington, K.G. Dexter, N.E. Zimmermann et C.E. Hughes. 2023. Precipitation is the main axis of tropical plant phylogenetic turnover across space and time. Science Advances, 9 (7) : eade495.
  • Smith, C., S. Joly, C. Antoine, B. Hyjazie et J.R.K. Forrest. 2023. Regional plant abundance explains patterns of host use by pollen-specialist bees in eastern North America. Ecology, 104 : e4122.
  • Stubbs, R.L., S. Theodoridis, E. Mora-Carrera, B. Keller, G. Potente, N. Yousefi, P. Jay, É. Léveillé-Bourret, R.R. Choudhury, F. Celep, J. Kochjarová et E. Conti. 2023. The genomes of Darwin’s primroses reveal chromosome-scale adaptive introgression and differential permeability of species boundaries. New Phytologist, 10 (1) : 145-149.
  • Stubbs, R.L., S. Theodoridis, E. Mora-Carrera, B. Keller, N. Yousefi, G. Potente, É. Léveillé-Bourret, F. Celep, J. Kochjarová, G. Tedoradze, D.A.R. Eaton et E. Conti. 2023. Whole genome analyses disentangle reticulate evolution of primroses in a biodiversity hotspot. New Phytologist, 237 (2) : 656–671.
  • Tondera, K., F. Chazarenc, J. Brisson et P.-L. Chagnon. 2023. Structure and impact of root-associated fungi in treatment wetland mesocosms. Science of the Total Environment, 858 : 159958.
  • Viau, M.A., A.L. Paul et M. Labrecque. 2023. Can we simultaneously decontaminate and cultivate? An urban cherry tomato story. Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems, 8 (1) : e20051.
  • Wallis, C.I.B., A.L. Crofts, D. Inamdar, J.P. Arroyo-Mora, M. Kalacska, É. Laliberté, et M. Vellend. 2023. Remotely sensed carbon content: The role of tree composition and tree diversity. Remote Sensing of Environment, 284 : 113333.