Two IRBV students received awards at the annual meeting of the Société d’Entomologie du Québec, held in Jouvence on October 13-14. Fanny Maure won the Melville-Duporte prize for the best student presentation, for her talk entitled Retour de la motricité de la coccinelle ‘garde-du-corps’: la diète serait-elle le secret? Arnaud Sentis won second prize in this category, for his presentation entitled Effets directs et indirects des pulses de température sur un système tritrophique: poivron-puceron-coccinelle. Earlier this year, Fanny Maure was awarded first prize in the 2011 Georges-Maheux Scientific Writing contest of the Société d’Entomologie du Québec for her article Les coûts de la manipulation parasitaire.